function logClass(target: any) { // save a reference to the original constructor var original = target; // a utility function to generate instances of a class function construct(constructor, args) { var c : any = function () { return constructor.apply(this, args); } c.prototype = constructor.prototype; return new c(); } // the new constructor behaviour var f : any = function (...args) { console.log("New: " +; return construct(original, args); } // copy prototype so intanceof operator still works f.prototype = original.prototype; // return new constructor (will override original) return f; } @logClass class Person { public name: string; public surname: string; constructor(name : string, surname : string) { = name; this.surname = surname; } } var p = new Person("remo", "jansen");
نکات، تجربیات، محتوای آموزشی و مطالب گردآوری شده در حوزه برنامه نویسی وب